Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA)

What is DIANA?

The Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) is a NATO initiative launched in 2022 looking towards supporting the development of innovative projects aimed at supporting the Alliance's technological edge.

DIANA is composed by two regional headquarters, one in the United Kingdom and the other one in Canada , nine accelerators and over sixty test centers. CEOM is one of the affiliated test centers with a focus on Robotics, AI, Data and Materials

The two regional headquarters are responsible for a Rapid Adoption Service (to support the development and rapid adoption of DIANA solutions by Allies and NATO) and a Trusted Capital Database (to facilitate and/or connect certified innovators and certified investors).

The main function of this initiative is to promote the security and defence challenges indicated by the Armed Forces, so that innovative entities can develop quick adoption solutions that correspond to the designated requirements.


How to participate?

DIANA will launch several challenges to looking for responses to operational needs, to which entities with concrete proposals for solutions may apply.

In a first phase, in 2023, three pilot challenges will be launched, with their launching scheduled for April. In the future, and until 2025, it is planned to launch up to ten challenges per year.

Portugal Defence will promote these challenges in Portugal.


In which technological areas will the challenges focus on?

DIANA's main focus will be the development of deep-tech technologies, more specifically, within the scope of emerging and disruptive technologies such a artificial intelligence, big data, autonomous systems, quantum technology, biotechnology, new materials, hypersonics and space, which may be of dual-use, that is, for commercial and defence applications.

For 2023, the challenges will focus on energy resilience, secure information sharing and detection and surveillance through sensors.